I Made Andi Arsana, peneliti utama dari Menara Air ini pernah terlibat dalam revisi manual aspek teknis hukum laut (TALOS). Keterlibatan itu dalam hal membuat animasi untuk mengilustrasikan aspek teknis Hukum Laut. Setelah kerja karas, kini animasi itu sudah ditampilkan di website International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Berikut adalah tautan ke animasi tersebut dan bisa diunduh untuk pembelajaran hukum laut dan persoalan lain terkait kelautan.
TALOS edisi 5 sudah bisa diunduh dalam bentuk draft di sini dan animasi berukut melengkapi ilustrasi masing-masing bab (chapter) seperti yang ada di bawah ini.
Chapter 1: No animations
Chapter 2
- Figure 2.6 The reference ellipsoid and coordinate systems
- Figure 2.9 Transformation parameters between two datums
- Figure 2.10 Vertical reference datums
- Figure 2.11 Different interpretations of the general direction of the coast and selection of straight baselines
Chapter 3: No animation
Chapter 4
- Figure 4.1 The juridical bay
- Figure 4.2 Archipelagic straight baselines and maritime zones
- Figure 4.3 Definition of islands and low-tide elevations
- Figure 4.4 Low-tide elevations and the generation of maritime zones
Chapter 5
- Figure 5.1 Maritime jurisdictional zones
- Figure 5.2 Lines at fixed distances from the territorial sea baseline
- Figure 5.3 Structure of limits from straight baselines and points
- Figure 5.4 Maritime limits from the normal baseline
- Figure 5.5: Limit at a fixed distance from the baseline (the rolling wheel analogy)
- Figure 5.6 Impact of advancing and retreating shorelines on maritime limits
- Figure 5.7 Uneven impacts of headlands and embayments
- Figure 5.10-12 Defining the outer limits of the Continental Margin
- Figure 5.13 Steps in defining the outer limits of the Continental Margin
Chapter 6
- Figure 6.1 Elements in the construction of maritime boundaries
- Figure 6.2 Constructing an Equidistance Line between opposite States
- Figure 6.3 Constructing an Equidistance Line between adjacent States
- Figure 6.4 Equidistance Line between opposite States, showing different effects for an island situated within the territory of one State
- Figure 6.5 Equidistance Line between opposite States, showing different effects for islands situated on the Line, or within the territory of an opposite State
- Figure 6.6 Equidistant Line between adjacent States, showing different effects for islands situated on the Line, or within the territory of an adjacent State
Catatan Penting
Semua animasi yang ada di website IHO ini dibuat dengan Microsoft Power Point yang dilindungi dengan kata sandi sehingga tidak bisa diubah. Meski begitu, Anda tetap bisa memanfaatkannya dengan baik karena bisa dibuka dengan moda “read only”. Ketika membuka berkas ppt ini, pilih “read only” dan mulailah menikmatinya. Agar lebih mudah memahami, simak animasi ini sambil membaca Manual TALOS. Selamat menggunakan, semoga bermanfaat.
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